INScom selalu kompeten dalam memberikan solusi terbaik untuk kebutuhan electrical part perusahaan anda.
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+62 8113 787 678
Stavol / Stabilizer SVC 2000 Watt INScom

Lampu Anti Nyamuk / AC / 15 Watt / E27

Thermal Overload Relay THK 12 / Overload TH-K 12KP TH-K12 INScom – 2.1A

AC Magnetic Contactor 12 / 220V / 12A / 440V / 12A

MCB Listrik INScom 1P 16A / Mini Circuit Breaker 3P 1Pole

Power Inverter 500 Watt DC 12V to AC 220V INScom

Control Box Push Button 3 Lubang 22mm / Control Box Push Button 3 Hole

Kabel Gland BPG 19 Brass Cable Gland BPG 19 INScom

Panel Meter TF-96A / 45-55 HZ

Timer NBL 63 / 230 V 50 Hz

Solar Panel 100w / SOLAR CELL 100 Watt / Panel Surya 100 WP Poly INScom

Solar Charge Controller INScom 20A / Kontroller Solar Panel 12V / 24V

INScom selalu kompeten dalam memberikan solusi terbaik untuk kebutuhan electrical part perusahaan anda.
Kontak kami
Jl. Kalianyar No. 19 C, Surabaya
+62 8113 787 678
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PT. INSGENERAL INDONESIA provides the best quality Transmission, Distribution, Substation, Disk Insulator products.
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